Are you a vegan entrepreneur (business owner, freelancer, consultant, content creator, artist, designer, wellness expert, teacher, chef, service provider, etc.)? With my holistic vegan business coaching, you can find fulfilment doing what you love, and make a positive impact on the world.

Here are some questions clients usually ask me

  • How can I promote and grow my vegan business?
  • I’m not good with social media. Can you share some ideas to make marketing easy and interesting?
  • Can you help me with planning and teaching vegan cooking classes?
  • How do I handle customer feedback and online reviews?
  • What are the keys to building meaningful, long lasting customer relationships?
  • How do I set healthy professional boundaries with my colleagues and clients?
  • In what ways can I create a fun work culture and keep my team happy?
  • I want to work in the vegan field but I’m not sure what I’d like to do. Can you guide me with options and ideas?
  • How can I find time to do the things I love and prioritise self care while being productive?
  • I need help to figure out who my target audience is. How do I reach my ideal customers?
  • How do I build a community around my brand?
  • What should I consider while pricing my product/service? Can I charge what I’m worth without feeling guilty?
  • I often compare myself to other business owners/creators and feel like I’m not good enough. Can you help me with this?

My speciality is working with ethical vegan women entrepreneurs who run food businesses. But if your conscious business resonates with me, and I believe I can help you, I’m open to working with you even if you don’t necessarily fit that category.

Or keep reading for more details…

Outside work table. Angled close up view. Flowering plants and laptop on a wooden desk. Beverage in a mug on the side. Vegan business coaching.

When I mentor you, I’m deeply invested in your success and happiness. You can blossom and shine in a safe space! And grow your business in a holistic way.

Motivation – why I’m a vegan business coach

After successfully running a business I was passionate about, allowing a lot of myself to get lost into it, and then coming out wiser on the other side, there’s so much that I have to share with you. Whether you’re already running your own vegan business, or planning to start one, I believe you can benefit from my experience and the lessons I’ve learnt.

I want to help shorten your learning curve and teach you everything I wish someone had taught me a decade ago!

Work with me to follow your soul’s purpose and create goodness in the world, while staying fulfilled and joyful.

Method – holistic approach to coaching

All the knowledge in my arsenal goes into helping you. I’ll mentor you in developing great products, marketing strategies, social media, building healthy business relationships, etc. But at the same time, I’ll also be motivating you to build a positive mindset of abundance, prioritise self-love, value yourself, embrace deservingness, apply manifesting techniques, affirmations, meditation…all the important spiritual practices that have greatly helped me in my own business.

Mantra – self-care, service and surrender

Coming back to these three things again and again has served me well in my entrepreneurship journey. I’ll help you develop these practices too.


When it comes to our start-ups, we often focus entirely on growing our business, and tend to forget about our own emotional and mental well-being. I learnt this the hard way! haha

After many years of being a vegan and running a vegan food business, I’ve put into place some healthy practices that bring mindfulness into productivity, and joy into growth. I’ll guide you to prioritise your fulfilment above all else while setting your goals.

There’s absolutely no point in business growth if it feeds off your peace of mind and happiness. So I believe with all my heart that a successful business strategy involves a plan for prosperity on your own terms!


The more you give, the more you get. Running a conscious business with a goal to make a meaningful, positive impact on the world brings so much value to your life! And it results in personal and business growth in unimaginable ways.

As a strong proponent of collaboration over competition, I believe that joining hands with like minded people and helping each other out is the future of entrepreneurship.

As a part of my coaching, I’ll help you constantly reflect on possible ways you and your business can serve others. Where possible, I’ll help you make meaningful connections so you can grow together.


It’s important to have a vision and work towards it, of course. But things don’t always go your way. When there are hurdles on your path, instead of resisting and fighting them, it’s important to surrender to a higher power, a greater plan.

To make your entrepreneurship journey as frictionless as possible, I’ll often remind you to release your mental and emotional burden to your higher self. I’ll help you tune in and create space to find answers from the inside, without allowing what’s happening on the outside to matter.

Kind words from some amazing vegan boss babes

Young Indian woman with long hair, Samyukta Kartik of Yume Culinary, smiling at the camera.

“Sus is truly an embodiment of positivity in this world. She has been a strong pillar of support for me right from the very start, when I quit my 9-5 to become a self-directed vegan chef. Her warmth, encouragement, and words of wisdom coming from years of experience, have played a big part in building my confidence in this area of work, and I’ll always be grateful for that!”

Samyukta Kartik
Vegan Chef, Teacher, Content Creator (Yume Culinary)
Shasvathi Siva of Cowvathi. Young Indian woman in a vertical striped top, smiling at the camera.

“Having Sus as my mentor has been one of life’s biggest wins. I’ve turned to her when things didn’t feel so great, and I’ve turned to her when things have been on a high. Never once have I been let down. My most favourite conversation will always be the one when I asked her if I could come to Carrots for a few weeks to learn the inner workings of a business. She had agreed to me even before I could finish my sentence. Full enthu cutlet! 

Throughout the time when I was in Carrots, I got the best guidance and wonderful support. And even after that, I’ve had unflinching support from her, day or night. That’s the kind of heart Sus has. Giving with so much love, following up and constantly spreading joy. No matter what field I pick, what job I do, or what hobby I choose – I know Sus is always there to be my cheerleader.”

Shasvathi Siva
Author, Entrepreneur, Content Creator, Expert Vegan Cheese Maker(Shasvathi)
Short haired Indian lady, Neha Agarwal of ViaZeme, looking at the camera.

“Even when Susmitha hadn’t begun her coaching, she has always been someone I have looked up to, admired and sought advice from pertaining to my vegan start-up. So, when I learnt about her initiative, thanks to my sister, it was a no brainer to take her up on her offer and be mentored by her. It has been an incredible journey that has rendered me not just a guide and philosopher, but also a friend in Susmitha.

I am still at interesting crossroads, as far as my business is concerned, but with Susmitha guiding me and helping me take some important calls, I feel that the signal on the path to inevitable success is always green. The curriculum is very personalized and yet structured to bring out the best in you, holistically and harness yours and your venture’s true potential in an efficient manner.

Regardless of which stage your business is at, I would definitely recommend seeking Susmitha’s coaching so that you are exposed to someone as knowledgeable and adept as one can be and also find the comfort of a friend and confidant in someone who cares for you beyond professional realms. Reciprocating with your care and concern comes naturally too. I can’t thank Susmitha enough for all the knowledge, value, care and affection she brings to the table – thank you.”

Neha Agarwal
Master Brewer, Author, Vegan Entrepreneur (Viazeme and Wondrous Wines)


Should I be a vegan to work with you?

If you’d like me to mentor you, I prefer that you are an ethical vegan, running a strictly vegan business. In some cases I do consider coaching non-vegans who run conscious businesses that offer completely vegan products/services.

Do you coach only women entrepreneurs?

Though I give preference to women entrepreneurs for various reasons (my mentoring is based completely on my personal experiences, so it’s bound to help other women like me most), I’m open to coaching people of all genders if we resonate with each other.

Are these vegan business coaching sessions for existing businesses or new ones?

Both. You can connect with me if you already have a business and need coaching, or if you want to start a vegan business and could use some guidance before you begin.

What kinds of food businesses do you help?

Apart from the obvious ones like restaurant, café, home bakery, retail food producer, etc., food business can also mean cooking teachers, YouTubers, bloggers, recipe consultants, and so on.

Is your coaching limited to food businesses?

No, it’s not limited only to food businesses. Though I have many years of experience running a vegan food business myself, my holistic coaching can benefit people running non-food vegan businesses too.

Suggested Areas of Focus

Not sure which area of business you’d like to focus on during the session? Here are some suggestions.

  • Launching Your Business
  • Setting Boundaries
  • Work Life Harmony
  • Ideal Client Avatar
  • Authentic Marketing
  • Joyful Team and Work Culture
  • Delightful Customer Relationships
  • Abundance Mindset
  • Meaningful Community Building

Sounds exciting? Come let’s build something beautiful and meaningful together!

60 min coaching call: $90 (USD) , ₹2500 (INR)

These can be scheduled anytime you feel the need for my help. Slots are available on weekday afternoons and early evenings (Indian Standard Time).

If the available dates/times on the calendar don’t work for you, drop me an email before you book to find out about alternate ways we can do the coaching sessions.

Optionally, fill this Heart Centered Entrepreneurs Survey so I can understand your unique challenges better.


  • Prepare a list of up to three specific questions or challenges you’re facing so that optimal use of the hour can be made to go into details.
  • I’ll help you with my thoughts and suggestions.
  • You ask follow up questions on my suggestions, if any, and I’ll guide accordingly.
  • We’ll set goals together so you have some action steps to take.

If you have new questions or concerns after following through with these steps, you can schedule a call again.

Please follow these steps to book the 60 min vegan business coaching session with me.

Step 1: Make the payment via the relevant option below

For Indian Rupees ₹2500

For US Dollars $90

Step 2: Book your session

Step 3: Check your email for the meeting link (I’ll send it to you within 1 business day)

Still not sure if this session is for you? No problem

Let’s figure out if we’re a good fit to work together! Get on a free 15-minute discovery call with me to get clarity on the way forward. Answer the questions on the booking page. I’ll share my evaluation during our call. If we’re both happy, we can decide how to work together.

Susmitha Veganosaurus

Shorth haired Indian lady, beaming a wide smile. Flowers in the background. Vegan business coach and chef Susmitha Veganosaurus

“I’m a Spiritual Vegan Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur. I read voraciously, find humour in most things, and believe kindness and authenticity can make this world a happier, loving place.

If my content resonates with you, join my free newsletter where I share Life and Business Tips, Vegan Hacks, Holistic Guidance, and more.

Vegan cuisine and holistic business building are my two biggest passions. If you’re looking for guidance with vegan cooking, or want to grow your conscious business with joy and fulfilment, explore ways we can work togetherhere.”