Letting Go of Something You Love – Episode 49
How do you let go of something you love – a relationship, a business, or anything else you’re attached to? And how do you move on with faith that it’s for the highest good?
How do you let go of something you love – a relationship, a business, or anything else you’re attached to? And how do you move on with faith that it’s for the highest good?
My dear friend Mahathi Parashuram talks about why it’s so important to put yourself first, love yourself and celebrate your special day.
Malaysian Raw Vegan Chef Yin shares her story and how she was able to follow her passion to become a world renowned celebrity chef against the odds.
Turning vegan is one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life and I’m grateful for it every single day. I want to help you find your happiness through this path too.
A soothing guided meditation to help you connect with your inner child.
What are boundaries? How and where do we need to create them? And why are they so very important? This episode, spurred by a Goddess Card, is all about setting clear boundaries in various aspects of our lives.
Marisa and I talk about loving and working with your lower emotions instead of running away from them, surrendering to the perfect flow of time and much more.
Are you complicating your work? This leads to procrastination. Susmitha talks about how simplifying her life helped her get stuff done.
Imposter syndrome makes you wonder what right you have to do or share anything. Listen to this podcast episode and release self-doubt.
Tamar shares her journey of overcoming addiction, working towards building a happy life and helping others through her coaching, podcast and book, Hope Elevated.
Pragya Bhatt talks about the deeper meaning of yoga, developing a healthy relationship with food and being mindful in your fitness practices.
Reclaim your identity and let every aspect of who you are shine!
I’ve interviewed Travel and Yoga Blogger, Namita Kulkarni, who has been pivoting into different paths that bring her joy for many years now. Listening to this episode will leave you feeling incredibly inspired to bravely follow your excitement and passion.
Learn about the four phases of your menstrual cycle. And the self-care practices to follow to take advantage of your energy in each phase, in this conversation with Shilpa Jindal.
Rheea Mukherjee has the to ability to open minds and make people look at divergence from societal norms and constructs through a new lens. One of curiosity, understanding and love.