A meditation to remind us divine source of love and light is always within. We embody this energy at every moment. All we need to do to tap into it to feel a sense of peace, bliss, and oneness. A healing practice of affirmation and visualisation. Can be done at any time in the day.
Listen to the Meditation on the player below 👇🏽 or on Insight Timer. If you prefer reading instead, scroll down for the script. Enjoy! 🙂
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I am Love, I am Light, Guided Meditation – Script
Om. Welcome. Thank you for being here today to meditate with me. This is a meditation to remind ourselves that we’re always connected to the Divine Light.

Close your eyes and sit in a comfortable place, preferably with your back straight. Place your hands, palms facing upwards, on your knees. Or you can place both your palms on your heart.
Take a deep breath in, hold for a moment, and exhale.
Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. And one last time, as you breathe in, fill yourself up completely. Allow your stomach, your rib cage, your chest to expand. Hold for a moment. And then exhale completely, through your nose or your mouth as you like.
Now relax and allow your breath to become normal. Don’t control it. Let it move at its own pace.
Bring your attention to your heart. Your heart chakra is an unlimited fountain of love. Right at the centre of your being there’s a small, shimmering glowing ball of light. Now focus on this light, and say this to yourself.
I am love, I am light.
As you say these words, notice the ball shining brighter and becoming larger.
Now keep repeating this to yourself.
I am love, I am light.
I am love, I am light.
And as you keep repeating this affirmation, watch as this glowing bowl of light from the centre of your being grows larger and brighter, larger and brighter.
I am love, I am light.
I am love, I am light.
I am love, I am light.
Now feel the shimmering ball of love and light glowing through your entire body, filling up every cell, every atom of your being.
Filling you up on all levels. Through your body, your mind, your heart, and your soul.
I am love, I am light.
The light shining brighter and brighter.
I am love, I am light.
Now it emanates from your body, from your being and lights up the area all around you.
I am love, I am light.
I am love, I am light.
I am love, I am light.
The powerful divine light has become so bright, so strong that you don’t know where you end and where the light begins.
You and the light, it’s all one.
I am love, I am light.
I am love, I am light.
I am love, I am light.
Feel this light expanding, spreading, shimmering through the room, out through the building, through your city and your country. In all directions. Upwards into the cosmos, down to the heart of Mother Earth, expanding and expanding.
And merging with all the other divine light that exists from all the other beings on this planet.
We are love, we are light.
We are love, we are light.
We are love, we are light.
And all you feel now is oneness, a deep sense of calm, and connectedness. There’s nothing but this love and this light. You are the very source of divine love and light.
Sit here for a few moments, just experiencing this bliss, peace, and unconditional love and light.
Whenever you’re ready, become aware of your body. And set an intention to yourself, you’ll always remember you’re love and light. And everybody around you is only pure divine love and light. Wherever you go you bring this light with you. You keep shining your love and light. And you only see the love and light in everyone and everything you cross parts with.
Whenever you’re ready, rub your palms together, place them over your eyes, and as you move your palms away, slowly and gently, blink open your eyes.
Thank you for meditating with me today.
I hope that left you feeling full of love and joy. Go out to the world and shine your light.
And if you’d like to create a regular meditation practice, you can find more of my meditation recordings, including this one, on Insight Timer. Insight Timer is an app. You can install it and find me there (as always) at Veganosaurus.
When you meditate on the app you can track your meditation practice, do it more regularly. And of course you can find several thousands and thousands of meditation teachers from across the globe teaching you, teaching their knowledge, sharing their music and meditations so generously on the Insight Timer app.
This is not an ad or anything. I have an Insight Timer account and I’m a teacher there as well as a user. And I love it so much I had to recommend it to you!
Alright, thank you for listening. Talk to you again next week. Take care!
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Susmitha Veganosaurus

“I read voraciously, find humour in most things, and I’m most in my element when I’m teaching, writing, and playing with clay. I believe authenticity and kindness are the keys to world peace. Sign up for myfree newsletterwhere I share conversational emails with stories about Life and Business Tips, Vegan Hacks, Holistic Guidance, and more.“