Abundance Mindset: The importance of investing in yourself – Episode 55

Investing in making your life better right now is just as important as saving up for your future.

The Feel Good Factor, episode 55. Susmitha Veganosaurus, Indian lady with super short haircut, wearing a chef coat, smiling wide at the camera with hands on hips. Blurred background. Abundance Mindset: The importance of investing in yourself

This short episode is all about why it’s so important to invest in yourself, especially when it comes to anything that’ll make your life easier, eliminate friction or help in your personal growth. And how to recognise the difference between impulse buying that gives you short term pleasure, and spending on something that’ll keep you happier in the long run.

A few months ago, I invested in a ring light. It wasn’t even expensive, but I had kept putting off the purchase for the longest time because I kept wondering if it would be a “waste”. But when I finally did get it, it helped me create much more video content than I had before because I was not dependent on daylight anymore.

Whenever inspiration strikes now, I can just sit down and start recording. The quality of my IGTV live videos and online workshops have also gone up noticeably, and this motivates me to do them more often.

Now looking back, I’m like, “duh! why didn’t I buy this gadget sooner?” Haha

This is just one example of the things I’ve hesitated to invest in at first, but after I did, it contributed to my life in multiple ways and paid off significantly. Mindfully investing in yourself creates a domino effect of opportunities and opens up your world. And I just had to talk about this on my show!

Bottomline – if it’ll bring you more peace of mind, give you more time freedom, make your work smooth, result in self-improvement and knowledge upgrade, help you build meaningful connections to benefit you in the long run…don’t hesitate to spend. Investing in your present self is just as important as saving up for your future.

Listen to the episode in the embedded player below or on any podcast platform.

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Holding on to money that tightly, with fear that more will not come, is as unhealthy as just impulse shopping or impulse buying. Just splurging, splurging, splurging on unnecessary things which are only going to bring you joy for a moment. They’re both equally unhealthy. So be mindful… It’s a very empowering, freeing feeling because you’re not stuck to that fear anymore.

Susmitha Veganosaurus – The Feel Good Factor Podcast

Abundance Mindset Master Class

I taught this online workshop a few weeks ago for the first time and the response it received was so fulfilling that I got super inspired to create an even more in depth version of it. If you’d like to be notified when I’m about to conduct the next session subscribe to my Feel Good Tribe newsletter.

Susmitha in an aqua dress, smiling, with back against a rusty grill. On the right is the text: Abundance Mindset Goes Beyond Money. Self Worth, Time Freedom, Peace of Mind, Creative Energy, Meaningful Connections, Healthy Boundaries, Self Care, Fun.

Susmitha Veganosaurus, vegan business coach, chef, multi-passionate creator. Holding a white mug, wearing a black dress, dangly earrings, smiling wide at the camera.

“I read voraciously, find humour in most things, and I’m most in my element when I’m teaching, writing, and playing with clay. I believe authenticity and kindness are the keys to world peace. Sign up for myfree newsletterwhere I share conversational emails with stories about Life and Business Tips, Vegan Hacks, Holistic Guidance, and more.