Super Joyful Morning Intention Meditation – Episode 02

The best time to listen to it is first thing in the morning. As soon as you wake up, before you get out of bed. But if you need a burst of happy energy at any point during the day, this meditation can be practiced then too.

The Feel Good Factor Podcast Episode 2. Super Joyful Morning Intention Meditation. Hands on laps facing upwards, index and thumbs touching in Mudra.

This is a quick, guided, joyful morning, gratitude meditation to begin your day on a happy, positive, high note. It evokes the energies of gratitude and love, and helps you set the intention for a day that you can really look forward to.

The best time to listen to it is first thing in the morning. As soon as you wake up, before you get out of bed. But if you need a burst of happy energy at any point during the day, this meditation can be practiced then too.

This meditation is Episode 2 of The Feel Good Factor podcast. You can listen to it on the embeded player below or on Insight Timer.

Explore the Guided Meditations section on this website for more relaxing, uplifting meditative practices.

“You are an amazing, powerful, joyful, delightful being. You are on this earth just to make this world a better place. A happier place.”

Susmitha Veganosaurus – The Feel Good Factor

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Super Joyful Morning Meditation Transcript


Good morning, sweetheart! It’s time to wake up to a beeuuutiful day!

Take it slow. You don’t have to rush anywhere. You can spare 10 minutes just for yourself.

Keep your eyes closed. And stretch and yawn. Take a deep breath and let it out.

Mmm, this is going to be amazing. An amazing, amazing day.


Think of all the things you’re grateful for. For the good night’s sleep that you’ve had. Your soft bed and your comfortable pillow. Your thick, or light, blankets that have kept you warm and safe all through the night. Feel thankful for your bed, for the room, the roof over your head.

Now, think of three things that went wonderfully yesterday. It could be small, it could be big, anything at all. Just three things. Think about them and feel the gratitude and joy in your heart.


Today is going to be a wonderful, amazing, fun, fun, fun, joyful day.

Think about the three things you want to manifest today. The three things that you’re going to do today that are going to bring you so much joy. It could be as simple as having your morning cup of hot beverage, a perfect beverage or your breakfast, or a smooth and comfortable drive to work, or wherever it is you’re going.

It could be seeing smiling faces of your friends, colleagues, or even strangers, it could be tightly hugging your family and loved ones, your pets, or anyone that you’re going to see today who’s going to bring you a lot of joy and make you feel a lot of love from within.


Do you have a special project in mind for the day?

Picture yourself going through this, and everything going smoothly, and things falling into place beautifully and perfectly. Your angels are gonna be with you all through the day, and the universe is constantly supporting you.

Quickly picture your entire day going off without a hitch. Perfectly moving smoothly and beautifully.

Can you feel the excitement? Isn’t this going to be fun? gleeful giggles

Feel the excitement bubbling up inside you for this amazing day ahead of you. And you’re not only going to get everything you pictured, but also, there are so many surprises in store for you. Happy, delightful surprises. Feel the huge smile on your face as you imagine what these amazing surprises would be. Trust that they’re coming to you.

And take this feeling of love and joy and excitement in your heart, fill your whole being with it and then put it out into the world too because it’s overflowing, completely filling you up. Overflowing through you and going out into the world. Let the whole world around you have a joyful, exciting, perfect, perfect day today.

Picture everyone you encounter today being really really happy and content and joyful.

Body Scan and Self Love

Now bring your attention to your body. This beautiful vehicle that carries Your precious soul.

Now scan your entire body and feel thankful for everything that you’re blessed with. Your organs, your limbs, your respiratory system, the circulatory system, the muscular system, the skeletal system, your brains and your kidneys and your heart and your lungs, your skin, your eyes, your nose, your mouth, your teeth and your tongue and your ears.

Your hands and your toes and your feet and your fingers, your shoulders and your back, your arms and your legs and your neck, your whole body, from your head to your toes.

Be grateful and thankful for everything that you have. And send love to each and every cell.

Tell yourself, I love you so so much.

You are an amazing, powerful, joyful, delightful being.

You are on this earth just to make this world a better place. A happier place.


And now, it’s time to wake up. Get out of bed and start your amazing, amazing day. Rub your palms and place them over your eyes. palms rubbing

Gently rub your eyes, and then lovingly and gently touch your whole self with a lot of care and love and tenderness.

Give yourself a tight hug. And then stretch.

Take a deep breath. Let it out.

Open your eyes and start your fantastic day.

Have a lovely day. Bye!

Transcribed by Otter.

Susmitha Veganosaurus, vegan business coach, chef, multi-passionate creator. Holding a white mug, wearing a black dress, dangly earrings, smiling wide at the camera.

“I read voraciously, find humour in most things, and I’m most in my element when I’m teaching, writing, and playing with clay. I believe authenticity and kindness are the keys to world peace. Sign up for myfree newsletterwhere I share conversational emails with stories about Life and Business Tips, Vegan Hacks, Holistic Guidance, and more.