Clairvoyance, Afterlife and Channelled Messages with Celebrity Psychic Laura Powers – Episode 19

Celebrity Psychic Laura Powers talks about clairvoyance, afterlife and her journey from seeing spirits as a child to becoming a medium in this interview.

Psychic Medium Laura Powers. Long woman glowing with white background. The Feel Good Factor Podcast with Susmitha Veganosaurus. Episode 19. Clairvoyance, Afterlife and Channelled Messages with Celebrity Psychic Laura Powers.

First seeing energy beings at a very young age, and later channelling messages from angels, Celebrity Psychic Laura Powers‘ story is super interesting and intriguing.

Listen to Laura talk about her journey. From feeling fear of the unknown, to embracing her special abilities. And how she became a medium.

We’ve discussed a little bit of everything:

  • Her writing process
  • Her family history
  • What happens after someone passes on
  • Guidance from the other side for everyone during these covid-19 times
  • And so much more

You cam also listen to other episodes with a focus on spirituality on The Feel Good Factor.

More about Laura Powers

Laura Powers is an entertainer, celebrity psychic, actress, model, host, singer, writer, and speaker. She is the host of the popular film and television podcast, “Behind the Scenes with Laura Powers.” And her top 100 podcast on Apple Podcasts, “Healing Powers Podcast.”

She is the author of 7 books, and is editing two other books that will be released in 2020. Laura travels full time for clients, television and other media appointments. And also for the love of traveling.

Laura has been featured on several television channels and networks. These include BuzzFeed, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, The CW, Will Ferrell’s The Ron Burgundy Podcast among others.

Connect with Laura on:
Healing Powers
Laura Powers
Twitter: @thatlaurapowers
Facebook: @realhealingpowers
Instagram: @laurapowers44

“These kind of beings, ghosts and some of these other energy beings, I think of this as very much like a garden in terms of how we interact. We get a patch of land and immediately what shows up are weeds. You have to learn how to clear it out. And then you have vegetables and fruits and flowers. So basically what I needed to do was learn how to cultivate what was around me. What I allowed into my life, spiritually as well as physically.”

Celebrity Psychic Laura Powers – The Feel Good Factor with Susmitha Veganosaurus

Transcript (edited for better reading experience)

Transcribed by Otter.