Full Moon Meditation for Cleansing and Intention Setting – Episode 67

You’re going to use the powerful energy of the full moon to set an intention. When things are cleared out of your life, it makes space for new, beautiful, high vibe, supportive things to come into your life.

You don’t have to control your business at all times. Surrender to a higher power.

“That’s it! I’m done stressing out,” I exclaim, “if you want to survive, you attract your own customers.” 😡 It … More You don’t have to control your business at all times. Surrender to a higher power.

Conscious Manifestation with Efia Sulter – Episode 65

Manifestation coach Efia Sulter’s talks to Susmitha Veganosaurus about her story, and the strategies and mindset needed for conscious manifestation.

Story Telling, Future Love Notes and Day Dreaming with Yes Yes Marsha – Episode 60

Get ready to laugh, be inspired and feel a general sense of joyfulness as you listen to the conversation between Susmitha and Marsha!

How to tap into the energy of love and help someone when things are not in your control – Episode 56

Learn how to tap into love energy and help someone by using the power of positive visualisation, when things are not in your control.

Meditation: Releasing Blocks to Manifest Your Greatest Desires – Episode 34

Through the guided imagery in this meditation practice, you will identify blocks to manifestation, and melt them away. Gently, powerfully and with love.

Feel Good Mashup – A Sampler Platter of Snippets from Various Episodes – Episode 30

If you’ve just discovered The Feel Good Factor Podcast, then this episode is a great way to get a feel for the kind of conversations and topics featured on it.

Are You Using Your Emotional Currency to Your Advantage? – Episode 26

In this episode, I’ve shared my thoughts on how we tend to waste our precious energy on past hurts, and how we can turn things around to become strong magnets for good things.