Listening to your Inner Voice to Find your Purpose with Smitha Hemadri – Episode 23

From being an IT project manager to becoming a vegan baker and finally transitioning into a holistic life coach, Smitha Hemadri shares her journey about finding her life’s path.

Transmuting Trauma and Eating Disorders to Health, Inspiration and Beauty with Janice McQueen Ward – Episode 20

Learn all about how Janice took her trauma and eating disorders and turned them around completely to a life of happiness and helping other women.

Joyful Living During The Lockdown with Anna from Naples, Italy – Episode 17

Anna lives in Naples with her family. Being in a locked down situation has almost become the new normal for the people there. She talks about all the things she does on a daily basis to go through these times with ease, grace and joy.

Moving Forward with Faith & Hope Through Times of Uncertainty – a Coronavirus Special – Episode 16

The upheaval caused by COVID-19 has been much bigger than the virus itself. In this episode, I’ve spoken about the various causes of worry and anxiety in these times and how to shift towards good feelings through them all.

Pain to Purpose: Flipping Divorce on its Face with Shasvathi Siva – Episode 13

When life threw a challenge her way in the form of a difficult marriage, she not only quickly figured out how she would get out of it, but also how she could help other people, women in particular, who were in a similar situation.

Making the Shift from Feeling Low to Feeling Good – Episode 05

In this episode of The Feel Good Factor Podcast, I share a few techniques I use in difficult situations to quickly and smoothly move from fear based emotions to love based ones.

The Importance of Taking Time Off from Your Work – Episode 03

In this episode of The Feel Good Factor podcast, I share my personal journey of being a chilled out freelancer to a workaholic and back. And how my energy levels influence my business significantly.