How much should I charge? Three things you’re forgetting to include when calculating prices – Episode 180

When conscious entrepreneurs, teachers, creators and purpose driven small business owners decided to charge a certain fee for products, services, … More How much should I charge? Three things you’re forgetting to include when calculating prices – Episode 180

The lesson I learnt about self-doubt by launching a brand new podcast! – Episode 141

Every step of the way the voice of self-doubt kept discouraging me. But I did it anyway! I launched a … More The lesson I learnt about self-doubt by launching a brand new podcast! – Episode 141

Chill, you’re worthy of unlimited fresh starts and endless possibilities – Episode 139

I attended my dear friend, Shasvathi Siva’s vegan wedding last week in Chennai. Apart from stuffing my face with super … More Chill, you’re worthy of unlimited fresh starts and endless possibilities – Episode 139

Stop measuring your success and worth against someone else’s achievements – Episode 138

Following people who inspire you? Great! Pressuring yourself to achieve everything they have? Not great! Haha This episode is about … More Stop measuring your success and worth against someone else’s achievements – Episode 138

Why it’s important for all of us to work with a coach – Episode 124

Boundaries and clarity. Two of my very favourite topics. I speak about them often in my classes, courses, podcast, blog, … More Why it’s important for all of us to work with a coach – Episode 124

How my grandmother inspires me to learn, grow and adapt – Episode 66

If this amazing woman who is of an entirely different generation, in her eighties if she can actually use her phone and her tablet like a pro – even though she believes she won’t be able to, she still does it – if she can do it, I feel like right now, with everything we have available to us, all the technology, all the knowledge, everything, we definitely need to keep learning, keep growing, and keep adapting ourselves.

5 steps to choosing inspiration over desperation in your business decisions

Your business has hit a tough phase. As the days go by, you feel cornered. You want to desperately claw … More 5 steps to choosing inspiration over desperation in your business decisions

Heart Centered Marketing and Selfless Service with Shailaja – Episode 62

Blogging and social media coach, Shailaja Vishwanath shares her insights into serving with kindness and finding joy in our businesses.

Story Telling, Future Love Notes and Day Dreaming with Yes Yes Marsha – Episode 60

Get ready to laugh, be inspired and feel a general sense of joyfulness as you listen to the conversation between Susmitha and Marsha!

Shine your light and raise your vibe with Allison Melody of Food Heals – Episode 50

When you tap into your inner light and shine it out into the world, you can raise your own vibrations and uplift the world around you.

Be queen for a day and love yourself everyday, with Mahathi Parashuram – Episode 48

My dear friend Mahathi Parashuram talks about why it’s so important to put yourself first, love yourself and celebrate your special day.

Get over that Imposter Syndrome, because Your Words have Great Value! – Episode 41

Imposter syndrome makes you wonder what right you have to do or share anything. Listen to this podcast episode and release self-doubt.

Hope Elevated with Tamar Medford – Episode 40

Tamar shares her journey of overcoming addiction, working towards building a happy life and helping others through her coaching, podcast and book, Hope Elevated.

Bringing Mindfulness to Your Health and Fitness Journey with Pragya Bhatt – Episode 39

Pragya Bhatt talks about the deeper meaning of yoga, developing a healthy relationship with food and being mindful in your fitness practices.