Welcome! This episode is a quick introduction into what The Feel Good Factor is all about and the main reason I’ve started this podcast. Looking forward to this exciting, fun journey with you.
“When we are deeply happy. The natural progression of that happiness is to overflow and go out into the world.”
Susmitha Veganosaurus – The Feel Good Factor
Transcription (edited for better reading experience)
Hello, hello, hello! I’m so excited to be here.
Welcome to the first episode of The Feel Good Factor. My name is Susmitha Veganosaurus, and this is a podcast about finding things that trigger good feelings, and pursuing them.
Our biggest Dharma, our purpose on this earth, is to spread love, joy, good feelings… But this must start with self love. Because we can only truly give what we already have. Simple right? Take a moment to let that sink in. We can only truly give what we already have.
When we are deeply happy, the natural progression of that happiness is to overflow and go out into the world. Strengthen your inner light, and it will automatically shine out into the world and uplift everyone around you.
This podcast will have talks, interviews, meditations, all focused on inspiring happiness and motivating you to follow your bliss.
In the past couple of years, I’ve realised the immense importance and power of pursuing good feelings through every aspect of my life. Good feelings have to be my top priority. So as you can guess, the purpose of this podcast is going to be all about… me feeling good! *laughs*
I’m going to interview people who make me happy. I’m going to record meditations, which make me feel calm and joyful. And through this whole process, I’m hoping all these good feelings will rub off on you, the listener.
The Feel Good Factor is going to be my little happy place, and I’m hoping it will be yours too. Looking forward to making beautiful connections on this new journey.
Thank you so much for listening to this very first, introduction episode of The Feel Good Factor.
Talk to you soon. Bye!
Transcribed by Otter.
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Susmitha Veganosaurus

“I read voraciously, find humour in most things, and I’m most in my element when I’m teaching, writing, and playing with clay. I believe authenticity and kindness are the keys to world peace. Sign up for myfree newsletterwhere I share conversational emails with stories about Life and Business Tips, Vegan Hacks, Holistic Guidance, and more.“